Vegetables are short-lived plants from which the fruit, leaves or roots (tubers, rhizomes) can be used. They have a very accelerated nutritional dynamic, this is because their tissues are soft, they generate new cells intensely and their respiration rate is high, for this reason they have a high demand for nutrition.

By constantly generating new cells and tissues; It is an easy target for pests and diseases. Nor can we forget that they are highly sensitive to climate changes, such as temperature and Relative humidity, in addition to reacting quickly to the Electrical Conductivity of the soil, changes in pH and lack or excess of water.

Therefore, we can say that vegetables are susceptible to many problems, including phytosanitary, nutritional and those that generate abiotic stress. It is important to mention that not all these problems can be detected quickly, since their first symptoms are not entirely evident.

It is necessary to maintain the crop during most of its phenological cycle in a state of nutritional and hormonal balance, in addition to inducing, as far as possible and early, its resistance to pathogens, pests, viruses and abiotic stress.

The management must be complete, beginning with the stimulation of the root system of the crop, since this is the first to suffer disorders when there is some type of stress or malnutrition. Subsequently, it is necessary to supply the plant with the nutrients it needs to live and emphasize nutrition in those elements that are related to primary metabolism (photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis of amino acids and proteins, etc.) and last but not least, it is It is necessary to carry out a biostimulation management, so that the plant recovers its hormonal levels and can continue with its cycle in a normal way.

For these cases, at Fagro we have designed the SOS Vegetable Package, a kit of products designed specifically for times when the crop is going through moments of low nutrition, low stimulation or was previously attacked by a pest or disease or by abiotic stress.

The package consists of the following products:

Proroot: Powerful rooter with a high amount of Auxins and Phosphorus (P), for a rapid emission of crop roots and high assimilation of nutrients from the soil, it activates stressed plants with little root.
GreenTop: It has all the nutrients that the plant needs in the concentrations that the plant can quickly assimilate in critical stages, of fast action. Added with a vitamin and an amino acid.
Kelatop Fierro-Zinc: Chelated fertilizer based on nutritional elements that activate the photosynthesis of the plant and the correct supply of energy.
Impulssor Vegetal: Phytohormonal bioactivator, based on the 3 most important phytohormones of the plant, a vitamin, an amino acid and nutrients to achieve the boost that the crop needs.

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