The Higuerilla (Ricinus Communis L.) is a euphorbiaceae that can contain many benefits for its use in agriculture. Shrub plant, its most important chemical compounds are ricin, ricinin, lipase, ricinolein, proteins, stearin, palmitin, ricinoleic acid, isoricinoleic acid, toxystearic acid, chymases (Chiej, 1990).

Use of the Higuerilla.

It is used from ancient times to the present, its seed has been used to obtain oils that are used as fuel in lamps and for medicinal purposes as a purgative (Scarpa & Guerci, 1982; Mazzani, 2007)

Ricin is a phytotoxin that is found especially in higuerilla beans, and is the author of toxicity to animals such as nematodes, insects, among others (Moshkin, 1986).

Toxic compounds, alkaloids, phenols, terpenoids, among others, and lectins such as ricin and ricinusaglutinin, have the ability to adhere strongly to the amphidia of phytoparasitic nematodes such as Meloidogyne spp. Goeldi, (Marbán et al. 1987; Rich et al. 1989).

Authors such as Butter et al. (1991) found that higuerilla oil at 2 and 5% reduced by 56-95%, respectively, the population of first-instar nymphs six days after application. They point out that 5% higuerilla oil is more effective against whiteflies than neem oil. The application of 2% higuerilla oil in greenhouse beans reduces the population of whitefly, T. vaporariorum, by 90% between the second and eighth day of its application (Ramos, 1995).

In addition to all these properties and oils that were discussed above. The higuerilla produces a compound naturally called ethyl dodecanoate.

Properties of ethyl dodecanoate.

Ethyl dodecanoate has been shown to be an excellent organic agricultural nematicide as it affects chemotaxis and protein formation. These are essential functions for the nematode and without them it simply dies.

This compound has also proven to be an excellent alternative as an agricultural insecticide, since it can control pests of economic importance in vegetables and fruit trees.

Aware of all these benefits of Higuerilla Beans for agriculture, Grupo Fagro and Biorganix Mexicana created a Product which is made based on a high higuerilla concentrate. This product is called Biotika ® Ricinus, it is a nematicide of botanical origin, it alters the permeability of the membrane, causing an imbalance in the internal metabolism of the nematode. It also blocks the supply of substances necessary for its growth.

For more information about Biotika® Ricinus visit:

Biotika Ricinus

Source: Effect of ketone extracts from Higuerilla. On the burrowing nematode under in vitro conditions: Francisco de Jesús Arboleda, Oscar Adrián Guzman, Luis Fernando Mejía. December 2012

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