Many people in supermarkets, seeing waxed fruit, tend to wash them as best as possible to remove this wax. In a certain way it is understandable that they do it since there are waxes that are toxic and use chemicals that can be harmful to health.

Waxes by nature are solid, and they need a chemical agent that makes them liquid and these agents, as mentioned above, can be harmful to health.

Grupo Fagro and PHS for this developed waxes that do not contain chemical residues in the wax and therefore are not harmful to humans. The reason is that the liquid agent used with our waxes is extremely volatile, that when applied and comes into contact with the fruit and the ambient air, this liquid ingredient evaporates in a matter of seconds and only the wax remains as a coating. about the fruit.

Grupo Fagro and PHS developed a variety of different waxes or coatings that help the fruit in the post-harvest stage to achieve a long shelf life. Since they delay the aging of the fruit, covering them with a layer. This layer prevents the fruit from breathing and aging.

Such is the case of Clarity Citrus wax, which is designed exclusively for the coating of citrus fruits, thus extending shelf life and reducing food waste. For which the FAO and the UN work hard with their “Save the food” project.

Apart from encouraging respiration, the coating prevents fungi and bacteria from coming into contact with the fruit, which is why it also protects them against pathological agents. It does not mean that they make the fruit immune, just that the coating prevents contact.

Wax technology is so advanced that it is designed so that, if it slows down breathing but does not suffocate it, to avoid bad tastes, odors and colors due to over protection. Even our waxes like Clarity Citrus can be mixed as a vehicle for bio-fungicides like Biomold, to still have the natural antibody protection that Biomold offers and protect against pathogens.

The aging of a fruit occurs due to 2 physiological and pathological factors, with Clarity Citrus or other waxes from our portfolio, physiological senescence is reduced with decreased fruit respiration. For pathological aging, this is where the combination of a Bio-fungicide and the wax come into action to protect the fruit from both physiological and pathological aging.

Fagro and PHS work hard to develop products that are suitable for different crops. For example, it is now possible to coat Pineapple with Clarity Tropical, Papaya and Mango with Clarity protection, Vegetables with Clarity Vegshine and Avocado with Clarity Vegshine.

In summary, it can be said that our waxes and coatings are friendly to humans, are not harmful and prolong the shelf life of the fruits and thus reduce food waste in the world.

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